Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Texas Star Party (TSP) 2011...my first time...

So I arrived on Sunday morning at TSP for my first time and so far it has been a very cool experience and I am looking forward to coming again next year. This is a panorama of the upper observing field; there are two other observing fields I will try and photograph them later this week. I am set up on this field at the opposite end of where I took this photo from. There are so many scopes of all shapes and sizes and some fairly large ones. I am impressed and maybe a little frightened by how much effort some observers go to create the perfect observing setup for themselves.

The first night was very clear but the seeing was not really good but I got quite a bit of observing in. Last night (Monday) we had quite a few high thin clouds and spent much of the earlier evening dodging the thin clouds but after about 1:00am things got much better and I was able to do some nice viewing.

These are two of the first sketches I did from my observing log for this trip, I did them on Sunday evening my first night observing. The first sketch is a lower power showing both M81 and M82 in the field, the M82 sketch was done with twice as much magnification and it is one of the object from one of the TSP Observing lists.

I will post more later in the week.

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