Saturday, October 20, 2012

Back Yard Memories...

When I moved into my apartment at 308 N. Mesquite there was this very nice Mexican Elder tree in the back yard, just outside my kitchen window. The year before last when we had the really hard freeze down here most of the tree died (all the top branches), it is growing from all the lower branches now.

The tree has been one of my favorite things here, even the dead parts of it are interesting and I have enjoyed photographing it. About a week ago, the top branches were cut down due to concerns of them breaking and falling down in strong winds (they have been slowly falling off for some time). But, I miss the top of the tree, I guess I will have to wait for it to grow back now.

Both of these images were taken on Black and White 120 Film with a Holga plastic camera, one of my favorite cameras that I do not use enough, but I am starting to use some more.

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