Sunday, March 27, 2011

2011 Super Moon Rising...

On Saturday March 19th, there was a pretty special Full Moon, it was a "Supper Moon" this happens when we have a Full Moon at the same time the Moon is at its closest approach to the Earth in its orbit around us. This only happens every 20 years or so, so it made this evening a good night for moon watchers and photographers alike. I had made a decision earlier that week I was going to take the evening and go out and photograph the Moon rising over the mountains here in Las Cruces.

I was talking to my landlord earlier that day and we decided to make a day of it and go out together to photograph the Moon rising and then go have dinner someplace afterwards. We went out and found a good spot and set up our cameras and waited for the moon to rise. Here is one photo of the moon coming up over the peaks of the mountains and then a second image that I created in photoshop, it is more what I was hoping to see when the moon came up but did not so I made it happen.

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