Saturday, February 20, 2010

So what happened to the Stars?

It is amazing that the clouds can sense what we most want and then do what they need to do thwart our hopes and desires. I really like to look at the Moon when it is in the crescent phase it is now and I was so looking forward to UNM Campus last night and to the Planetarium this evening to do some looking at the Moon and maybe some sketching and photographing of it, but these "darn" clouds are getting in the way, it is still fairly early on Saturday so I am not giving up hope for a clear sky this evening but it may only be a hope (now that I have put it down in writing maybe it will clear things up). Tonight will primarily be focusing on Mars but I may take a few moments and sneak a peek at the moon in there sometime. So let’s all keep our fingers crossed and maybe we will have a nice evening of observing.
Photo of the Moon I took in February, 2009.

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