Saturday, January 16, 2010

Mr. President...

As of last Saturday (01.09.2010) I am now the President of The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS). I have been a member of TAAS for quite some time and before going back to school in 2000 I was very involved and active in the organization. After starting back to school full time I did not have as much time to commit to TAAS so I all but disappeared fro the next 6 years or so, but after completing school in December 2006 I decided it was time to get involved again and now look what I got myself into.

I am looking foreword to the experience and happy that the members of TAAS have enough confidence in my efforts that they voted for me (a lot of it is that I was the only one foolish enough to say yes when asked, I have to work on that). Seriously though, I am proud to be a member of such a wonderful organization and very proud of the work that TAAS does to bring astronomy to the general public of all ages, we are one of the larger amateur astronomy clubs in the country and by far one of the most active ones and it is a great honor to be one of the leaders of this organization.

Wish me luck and look for some more posts regarding this position and astronomy in the future.

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