Monday, August 13, 2012

Perseid Meteor Shower - Aug. 12th

Early Sunday morning I took my camera and headed north of Las Cruces looking for someplace to watch and photograph the Perseid Meteor Shower. I wound up setting up along the side of the road at a Pecan Orchard halfway between Las Cruces and Hatch. I arrived and began photographing at about 1:45am and finished up about 4:45am before heading home.

I took almost 300 photos and was able to photograph about four (4) meteors. I probably observed maybe a dozen meteors an hour so overall I saw around 30 of them total and of the 30 about 5 were bright and left trails. I also got some nice photos of the cresent Moon rising with Jupiter and a little later I got some nice photos of the Moon, Jupiter and Venus.

 1st three photos: Nikon D5100, 18mm, ISO 800, F5.6, 15 sec.
Last photo: Nikon D5100, 18mm, ISO 800, F3.5 8 sec.

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