Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Daytime Moon...

This is a photo taken of the Moon sometime before sunset on Saturday, March 28th just prior to the beginning of the Messier Marathon at GNTO. It was taken using a new adapter I had just received for my camera that allows me to mount the camera directly in front of the eyepiece. It seems to work fairly well but will take some practice to get it just right.

Sorry, it has been sometime since I posted anything to the blog, I have not been extremely busy just a little bit lazy I think. I have not been out photographing as much as I would like to and have not been sketching much either, I have spent a lot of time studying for my next ARE exam and am kind of stressing a little about it because I am not sure I am really getting the material, I will keep on working at it though and eventually I think it will be fine.

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