Saturday, March 6, 2010

Extraordinary Dancing Lights…

It is interesting how sometimes the accidents and mistakes turn out to be some of my favorite pictures. I have taken pictures like this before, with longer exposures and then purposefully moving the camera around while the shutter is open, but I tend to forget about it until I try and take a photo in low light and wind up with a very blurry photo with some short streaks of lights (not holding the camera steady). It is always at this point that I remember that I can do some interesting things this way.

This image was taken that exact way, I have several shots that I made prior to this one and after and I like all of them but this one really stood out to me because it looks like a group of dancers moving in unison. Light is an amazing thing and some of the things you can do with that light is quite amazing as well.

“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary.” Aaron Rose

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