Sunday, September 6, 2009

The UNM Campus Observatory is open to the public for viewing on Friday evenings and TAAS (The Albuquerque Astronomical Society) helps out by bringing some additional telescopes and setting them up for additional viewing options. I am the Coordinator for TAAS with UNM so I am usually there on Fridays with other TAAS members and we always make new Friends.

Shane is seen here with Sonya showing me were Jupiter is in the sky (or maybe it was just a star) but Sonya seen with her mom were visiting us from Oklahoma City, they were passing through on their way home from the Grand Canyon and we are glad to be able to call them friends now. We meet lots of new people at UNM on Friday nights and every now and then we meet some new friends and we are hoping to hear from Sonya and her family again soon.

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