Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Late San Francisco Photo...

I posted a photo of the exterior of the Cathedral of St. Mary's when I was in San Francisco, I tried to get inside that day to take a look at it but the cathedral was closed so I could not get in. I did go back on Sunday before I left San Francisco on my way back to Albuquerque to take some photos inside the cathedral and was very impressed with the interior as well, I am glad I went.

I was sick this day and by the time I got to the airport for my flight home was feeling absolutely horrible. I got back to Albuquerque late on Sunday and then got up early Monday to take my Structures exam for my ARE (licensing exam) and was very ill during the 4 1/2 hour exam but I pushed through and went to the urgent care immediately after to find out that I had a bad sinus infection that turned into bronchitis and basically knocked me out for the next two weeks. I have not taken my camera out or done little of anything during that time so I have nothing new to post yet but now that I am feeling better I will start to do some photography again and will have something to post soon.

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