Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Moon, A long time coming...

Ok so I have been away for a while, I am not sure where I have been but I have not been posting very regular. It has also been some time since I have been out taking photographs or doing any artwork of any kind. I think I have been a little lazy and a little busy studying for exams (even though I have not been very good about taking them). I am going to try and do a little more photography and will be working on a watercolor of some friends little girl.

They were impressed (I think) by my self portrait watercolor, imagine that, and asked me to do one of their daughter. So what the heck, I need the practice and she is supper cute so I will start on that soon. This will be some more practice for when I do the watercolor of my nephew next (he is supper cute too).

This is a photo of the Moon I took with my point-and-shoot camera through the eyepiece of my telescope at Oak Flat last weekend. I am having a lot of fun doing this and the photos are getting a little better each time. This one is actually like 6 photos that were put together in the panorama software I have been using for some time now and you can see quite a bit of detail of the lunar features. I would have done some more photos but the battery in my camera died so it kind of ended the photo session.

Until next time, keep drawing, painting, photographing or just doing whatever it is you want to do.